Selena Moon Goddess Invocation

Painting by Dorina Costras thank you to Selk Hastings for the introduction to her work.

Painting by Dorina Costras thank you to Selk Hastings for the introduction to her work.


Homage to the Moon Goddess Selene

by Mira Riddiford

after a night of meditation being graced by her on the 11/07/2016

Selena – Your cooling moon light visits me, and calms all my passions

all discontent, unease, terror, misery

all rebellion of the heart and mind and mouth are soothed

Such tenderness visits when I call your name

when I worship your cool blue light

when I see you in the night sky, glowing blue white, and see around you the stars sparkling like opals, glimmering in

your true power

and my heart opens to receive your gifts, in mine

your heart visits mine, and when we wrestle in union, I surrender because how could I not? You give me what I crave.

I feel your smile, I feel your loving nature, I feel your delight

this calming, pacifying femininity, a cat calls out in the mid of night, because it knows how to call you forth by your true

name, to feel your radiance in its sleek fur. A part ner.

primordial, older than time, older than all this fuss

you are beyond all that, and you know what we seek

and it is all so foreign, so divine

my limbs loosen their strangle hold, when I call your true name

mother goddess Selene

Selena – my muscles soften and feel renewed strength, when I know that I am worthy to call you forth,

my heart beats in vigour, when I know you are near,

when I know how to rest my head in your palms

Selena – glowing white, your energy pours into me

and I feel waves of such soft moonlight quenching every first,

in my being, my livingness

the wish to be alive, to be more alive

your knowledge drifts into every part of my body

and soothes, tends, nourishing, nurtures, laughs and chuckles.

I feel caressed by soft hands that know only moon light. A soft light.

A cooling, calming light, that rests, that recharges, that heals.

Selena – you delight in seeing a young girl skip,

Selena – your heart sings when you see young and older women play

Selena – your smile widens into pleasure and happiness when you see them dance

Selena – your eyes sparkle when you see women safe and comforted

Selena – you know better than to tantrum, such is your peace

because your love keeps pouring forward, knowing one day

these simple humans will know not to castrate their goddesses

not to maim, not to hide, not to threaten, not to rob of voice, not to misuse

because you keep pouring forth, the beauty we all seek, and yearn and reach out for

because you know what is missing, and how to keep giving it

I see you in the tenderness of an infant just born who knows how to seek comfort

to seek the spirit of food,

Mother moon goddess Selene – you are welcome.

You are always welcome in my house, my home, my heart,

you are always welcome. Please feel at home in my home.

If you ever feel unwelcomed, you must let me know.

Correct me quickly and often with patience and wisdom.

You know better than I. You know how to shine no matter what. Please never give up on me. I know you won’t. You

know how to keep the heart alive with blue firey wisdom. Because you know how rest. How to let things rest. How to

give it a rest. Let me be your daughter, your lover, your friend. Let me know your words. Let me build many houses for

you to reside and teach in often. Please teach us, because we need you.

And you reply – a sweet yes