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Angel Magick: Western Mysticism for the Contemporary World 7 day Retreat

  • Wangapeka Study and Retreat Centre 355 Wangapeka River Road Tapawera, Tasman, 7096 New Zealand (map)

An opportunity to unplug from the busyness and demands of everyday life. Reconnect with nature and your body and safely process your emotions. A way to sit with and heal the difficulties of everyday life. Go deeper in your meditation and mindfulness practice.

It is perhaps not well-known that Socrates’ teacher was a woman (named Diotima), and that Socrates was also helped by the instruction of a daemon (a good spirit guide).

In the Western Esoteric tradition this type of guidance is sometimes referred to as “The Holy Guardian Angel” and there is training for the aspirant to be in touch with this support.

The word “Angel” means messenger, and their purpose is to be of help. Angels are known as celestial or heavenly beings of light whereas human beings, in this regard, would be said to be made of matter and light. Angels are revered in Judaism, Islam and Christianity, and many other spiritual traditions. They have similarities to Devas, Dakanis, Dakas, and Jinns (Genies).

In this weeklong intensive we will touch upon the study of the Serifot (emanations) from the Hermetic Qabalah Tree of Life; Jacob’s Ladder (on which angels ascend and descend to the divine); Seventh Heaven; the Angels of the Tarot and the Chariot (Merkabah Mysticism). We will also cover Archangels Michael, Raphael, Israfel, Gabriel, Metatron, and Sandalphon (the extremely tall, and master of heavenly song).

This universalist meditation retreat on Angels is based on a series of symbolic, ancient western mystery teachings, helping people live better, more purposeful lives.

Held at the peaceful Wangapeka Centre, Mira Riddiford welcomes you to a week of immersion and practice in the tradition of Western Mysticism.

Daily Schedule

7am – 8am: Breakfast

9am: Class

1pm: Lunch, main meal of the day cooked by Lily and helpers

3pm: For the most part this afternoon period will be personal time for practicing the meditations given in the morning, resting or gentle forest walking

6pm: Light supper cooked by Lily and helpers

7.30pm: Group meditation sit

Cost and Registration

A weekend option at the start of the retreat will be available, but the full week will allow you to immerse yourself more deeply into this study of Healing Angel Archetypes. Book now to secure your place, this will be a popular retreat, and numbers will be limited.

Date: 5 June 2020, 6pm – 12 June 2020, 2pm

Investment: $676 (*plus dana)

Members discounted price: $606 (*plus dana)

If using Paypal please add 5% of the total cost and include with your payment to cover Paypal’s fees – many thanks.

*Plus Dana (donation) to Mira for her teachings.

These figures above include accommodation, food and a nominal contribution towards Mira’s travel costs. They don’t include any dana/donation to Mira for the teachings she will impart. So people from different income brackets can benefit from this retreat, no set fee is put on the teachings. Please give generously according to your means, taking into account Mira has a family to provide for and that meditation teachings are her primary income and support the further scholarship of Western Mysticism. You could use as a guide $20 – $60 per day (with the understanding that everyone’s circumstances are different). Please bring cash to pay for the Dana.

To register please fill out our online registration form

Register now

*Please consider becoming a Wangapeka member – click here for details.

If you need to apply for Sangha Support (financial assistance with paying a portion of your fees) please contact the Wangapeka Centre.